Sunday, November 30, 2008


The wolf creeps as silently as a mouse.
Wildly whipping other animals.
Hiding and waiting for lunch to approach.
Wicked wolf.

By Rhylei
The horse galloping as fast as a greyhound.
Jumping as high as a trampoline.
Graceful and great.

By Daniel
Penguins are as cold as an icy ice block.
Cool and icy.
Cosy like icy wool.
Nice as a cosy chimpanzee.
Cold and soft like my cat.

By Paige
The koala is quiet as a mouse.
Small claws to climb and eat a lot of gum leaves.
Carries its baby wherever it goes.
The calm and sleepy koala.

By Omar
Snake slithers like the wind
Scaring people
Freezing when you get close.

By Ben
Spikes are sharp like needles and can hurt.
Spiky and scurrying through holes
Sniffing for food.

By Louie
Tiger tail
As long as a wiggly worm.
Teeth as sharp as knives.
Tears its food to bits.

By Lochie